Sunday 29 July 2007

Tuesday 10 July 2007

As silver dust

silver for the eye to wear

Love listens . . . quietly

virtual teddybear

And now my mind gathers moisture
for my eyelashes to own as grass
collects the silvery morning dew

There is a thought that escapes and runs
down the cheek and for my mouth to taste
what is currently real within the heart

Here is a thought (but no virtual gift) to lay beside you
"bearly" resting upon your pillow is
a spirit of freedom that is a closeness to be

Religious ritual

Religious Ritual is that a fruit

that a human mind harvests

from the vine of superstition

these next lines came after hearing roger waters of pink floyd on the save planet earth concert because it is sad the problem is spiritual in origin and the only solution is spiritual and not the periodic games folk play

Music is just another instrument of thought control
when used by the hand of entertainment to pass time

Darkness follows by enjoying the taste of the herd
for the mind has nothing supernatural to control/save

When man is satisfied by the politics of his solution
then he denies Living is by Realizing Spiritual Reality

How humble are you really because by your thinking
you are still political & not being a vessel of selfless love

It is only as a broken spirit and with a contrite heart
that a soul can see the Truth in a way that is untainted

By myself I no longer live as the subject of my body
once the tool of emotion in guiding what I decide to do

What do you do with your chewing gum/cigarette end